Sunday, October 23, 2011

2011 Brattleboro Halloween 3 IMAGINE

The theme is IMAGINE.
Our imagination is the portal where our ides are fertilized…the launching pad of our dreams. Where anything imagined is real. In our imagination there are no limitations, it is where we can be anyone or anything at anytime. You are invited to join us…allow your imagination to take flight and be all you can be.

The Route:
Monday, October 31. Parade starts 7:pm @ the Stone Church, corner Grove and Main Street. From Main Street to Elliot, to Elm, to Flat and back to Main @ the Stone Church.

Street theatre:
Last year, stilt walker Ezzell was the high maven leading the revelers downtown. Jamemurrell Stanley & the Drummers of Peace and Equality provided the road music. And Hooping Harmony excited the masses with their incredible energy and mastery with their illuminated hoops.

The Brattleboro Halloween Parade is celebrating its third year. 
The Halloween Parade continues to grow and each year we are attracting new performers and revelers. We are anticipating an even bigger turnout this year and as the parade winds its way through downtown Brattleboro. We welcome you to another incredible celebration, filled with fun and revelry, street theatre and diversity.

We invite you to add your color, magic and creativity. Bring your body and soul…most of all, bring your IMAGINATION.

Producer-Richie Richardson

1 comment:

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